The transitional era between the end of Pre-historic Period and the beginning of the Historic Period of Sri Lanka is known as the Proto-historic Period of Sri Lanka. There is little or no evidence of when and how the important transition from an itinerant, food-gathering mode of life to one of settled village-based food production took place or who exactly the agents of this change were. However, it is generally agreed that the beginning of agriculture in Sri Lanka was taken place sometime during the 1st millennium B.C. or by the beginning of the use of iron.
The main indicators of the distribution of protohistoric and early-historic settlements at present are megalithic and other related burial sites as well as places containing associated and distinctive Black and Red pottery.
The sites with proto-historic evidence in Sri Lanka are given below.
- Anuradhapura
- Ibbankatuwa
- Yapahuwa
See also
#) Pre & Proto-historic Burials in Sri Lanka
This page was last updated on 11 February 2023