Roland Silva

Deshamanya Dr. Sembukutti Arachchilage Roland Silva (1933-2020) was an eminent archaeologist of Sri Lanka. He was the Commissioner of Archaeology in Sri Lanka from 1983 to 1991 and the founder of Central Cultural Fund.

He passed away on 1st January 2020, after a brief illness at the age of 87 .

University of Leiden, Netherlands (Ph.D.)

Known for
2008-2013: Chancellor, University of Moratuwa.
1996-1998: President of the Council of Archaeologists, Sri Lanka.
1990-1999: President, ICOMOS International, Paris.
1983-1991: Commissioner of Archaeology, Sri Lanka.
1982-1991: President, ICOMOS Sri Lanka.
1980-1997: Founder and the first Director General of the Central Cultural Fund.
1972-1973: President of the Ceylon Institute of Architects.

Notes: This list may incomplete.
Prematilleke, L. and Silva, R., 1968. A Buddhist Monastery Type of Ancient Ceylon Showing Mahāyānist Influence. Artibus Asiae, pp.61-84.
Silva, R., 1982. The engineering principles behind the largest brick monuments of the ancient world. The colossal Stupas of Sri Lanka.

2005: Deshamanya: National Award Conferred by the President of Sri Lanka.
2004: Fukuoka Prize for Arts and Culture: Fukuoka City International Foundation.
1999: Piero Gazzola awar: International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
1992: Vidya Jyothi: National Award Conferred by the President of Sri Lanka.

1) The official website of Presidential Secretariat Sri Lanka: National Honours.

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