Bathalagoda Wewa Slab Inscription

Bathalagoda Wewa
The Bathalagoda Wewa Slab Inscription (Sinhala: බතලගොඩ වැව පුවරු ලිපිය) is a lithic record discovered in the vicinity of Bathalagoda tank in Kurunegala District, Sri Lanka.

The slab
This slab on which the inscription has been engraved measures 4 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft. 10 in. (Paranavitana, 1934). It had been broken into several pieces at the time of discovery, but presently, the broken pieces have been joined and the gaps filled with cement by someone, presumably by Parker when he was in charge of the restoration of the reservoir (Paranavitana, 1934; Parker, 1909). 

The record consists of 17 lines and a few later may have formed an 18th line of which no traces are now available (Paranavitana, 1934).

The record is dated in the 5th year of Queen Kalyanavathi (1202-1208 A.D.), the widow of King Parakramabahu [(1153-1186 A.D.) Paranavitana, 1934]. The object of this inscription was to record the repairs effected to Bathalagoda Wewa reservoir and the benefactions made to a neighbouring shrine by an office named Cudamani (Paranavitana, 1934).

Batalagoda inscription of Kalyanavathi
Reign: Kalyanavathi (1202-1208 A.D.)                 Period: 13th century A.D.
Script: Medieval Sinhala                                         Language: Medieval Sinhala
Content: In the 5th regnal year of Queen Kalyanavathi, the lord named Cudamani of Mangalapura of Badalagoda Madyadesa, in the Kingdom of Maya repaired a breached sluice and built a second sluice for the reservoir. He repaired the image house of the abandoned Senevirat Pirivena temple built by Lak Vijaya Sinsingu Senevinavan and built a Kanchuka for the Stupa. He also repaired other components of the temple, bestowed four requisites to the invited monks and the harvest of the four Amunas from the fields of Sotemunin was offered to the monastery. Those who harm this religious endowment will become crows, dogs and will be boiled in the eight great hell.
Reference: The information board at the site.

2) Lakiph6 by Lakshitha De Silva is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

1) Paranavitana, S., 1934. (Edited and translated by Codrington, H.W.; Paranavitana, S.) Batalagoda-Vava slab-inscription. Epigraphia Zeylanica: Being lithic and other inscriptions of Ceylon: Vol. IV. Archaeological Survey of Ceylon. pp.73-82. 
2) Parker, H., 1909. Ancient Ceylon: An account of the aborigines and of part of the early civilisation. Luzac & Co. London. pp.397-400.

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This page was last updated on 27 February 2022

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