Pilawala Tamarind Tree

Pilawala Tamarind Tree
The Pilawala Tamarind Tree (also known as Pilawala Siyambala Tree) situated in Pilawala village in Kandy District is believed to be one of the Historic and Ancient Trees in Sri Lanka. The tree is located on the wayside of Sirimalwatta-Yakgahapitiya-Menikhinna road near the junction between Pilawala Maha Vidyalaya and its playground.

It is a Tamarind tree (scientific name: Tamarindus indica), a leguminous tree bearing edible fruits. According to the information board set up by the Central Environment Authority, this tree is believed to be about 300 years old. As believed by local people, God Natha, the regional deity of Dumbara valley and God Pitiye Bandara have rested under the shade of this tree. It is also believed that the flower garden of King Sri Vira Parakrama Narendra Singha (1707–1739 A.D.) of Kandy was located near this tree.

1) Ancient Tamarind Tree (IMG_3729b), and IMG_3730b by Denish C are licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Location Map
This page was last updated on 21 October 2021
For a complete tourist map follow this link: Lankapradeepa Tourist Map

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