Lindamulla Pattini Devalaya (Badulla)

Lindamulla Pattini Devalaya

Lindamulla Pattini Devalaya, also known as Puswelayata Pattini Devalaya (Sinhala: බදුල්ල ළිඳමුල්ල පත්තිනි දේවාලය, පුස්වැලයට දේවාලය), is a Devalaya Shrine located in the village of Kalugalpitiya in Badulla District, Sri Lanka. The site can be reached by travelling along the Demodara-Spring Valley road about 1.5 km distance from Muthiyangana Raja Maha Viharaya.

The Shrine

The shrine is dedicated to Pattini, the patron goddess of fertility and health. The main shrine houses the image of Pattini and the part known as Maligawa (or Uda Mahala) is used to place the jewellery of the goddess. At the entrance of the main shrine is a Makara Thorana (the Dragon arch) with two figures of guards (Priyadarshani & Gunasena, 2017). The outer walls of the shrine are decorated with several paintings of gods such as Kiwle Gedara Aluth Deviyo, and Dedimunda Bandara Deviyo (Priyadarshani & Gunasena, 2017). A stone bowl inscribed with Sanskrit scripts is found in the compound of Devalaya (Priyadarshani & Gunasena, 2017).

A Protected Site

Lindamulla Pattini Devalaya located in the Grama Niladari Division of 78 E Gurugamuwa in Divisional Secretary’s Division of Badulla is an archaeological protected monument, declared by a government gazette notification published on 7 July 2005.

Lindamulla Pattini Devalaya Lindamulla Pattini Devalaya Lindamulla Pattini Devalaya Lindamulla Pattini Devalaya


1) Priyadarshani, S.A.N.; Gunasena, I.P.P., 2017. Pauranika Sthana Ha Smaraka: Badulla Distrikkaya (In Sinhala). Department of Archaeology. ISBN: 955-9159-48-8. pp.40-41.
2) The Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. No: 1401. 7 July 2005.

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This page was last updated on 2 December 2023

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