Yahangala Viharaya (Hambantota)

Not to be confused with Yahangala

Yahangala Viharaya, Hambantota
Yahangala Viharaya (Sinhala: යහන්ගල විහාරය) is a Buddhist temple in Hambantota District, Sri Lanka. It is situated in the Yahangala West Grama Niladari Division of the Hambantota Divisional Secretariat.

As the presence of two Early Brahmi Inscriptions of the 2nd century B.C., the history of this temple is dated by scholars to the pre-Christian era (Abeyawardana, 2004). These inscriptions refer to donations made to the temple (Abeyawardana, 2004).

The temple
The ruined temple is said to have been discovered during colonization schemes of the 20th century (Abeyawardana, 2004). It has been built at the top of a rock where the ruins of two ancient Stupas and the stone columns of a few buildings are found. Rock-cut flight of steps, pools, brick debris are also found at the site.

Yahangala Viharaya, Hambantota

1) Abeyawardana, H.A.P., 2004. Heritage of Ruhuna: Major natural, cultural and historic sites. Colombo: The Central Bank of Sri Lanka. ISBN: 955-575-073-4. pp.115-116.

Location Map
This page was last updated on 15 January 2023

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