Aberdeen Falls | Beauty of Kehelgamu Oya Stream

Aberdeen Falls
Aberdeen Falls (Sinhala: ඇබර්ඩීන් ඇල්ල; Tamil: அபெர்தீன் அருவி) is a waterfall situated in Ginigath-hena in Nuwara Eliya District, Sri Lanka. 

Flowing from a location higher than the Norton Bridge Reservoir, the fall cascades in a zigzag pattern. The stream known as Kehelgamu Oya, a tributary of Maskeli Oya creates the fall before it finally joins into the Kelani Ganga (Abeyawardana, 2004). The fall is 99.08 m (325.06 ft.) in height and is located 550.77 m (1,806.98 ft.) above sea level (Abeyawardana, 2004). A cave-like formation and a deep pool surrounded by big rocks and boulders can be seen at the bottom part of the fall.

The fall has been named after the Aberdeen Estate in which it is situated (Abeyawardana, 2004). Aberdeen is the name of a town in Scotland as well as a title in the Scottish family Gordon (Kautzsch, 1983). The name is also found in towns in the USA, Canada and South Africa (Kautzsch, 1983).


1) Abeyawardana, H.A.P., 2004. Heritage of Kandurata: Major natural, cultural and historic sites. Colombo: The Central Bank of Sri Lanka. pp.263-264.
2) Kautzsch, E., 1983. A guide to the waterfalls of Sri Lanka: Tisara Prakasakayo. pp.62-63.
Location Map
This page was last updated on 9 May 2021

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