Wataddara Gal Pinthaliya

Wataddara Gal Pinthaliya
Wataddara Gal Pinthaliya (Photo credit: Google Street View)

Wataddara Gal Pinthaliya is an old stone water container placed on the wayside of the Katunayaka-Veyangoda road near Wataddara Ganekanda Sri Sumanarama Purana Viharaya in Gampaha District, Sri Lanka. 

Pinthaliya was designed in the past to hold water to quench the thirst of tired people on the road. It usually consisted of a large container for storing water and a Kenessa, a deep spoon with a long arm to fetch the water from the container. The container was usually a clay pot but sometimes they were made of stone.

The Pinthaliya at Wataddara is made of stone and shaded with a roof to keep it surviving for a long time and to store water safely. The four stone pillars that hold the roof are decorated with floral designs. 

Location Map
This page was last updated on 14 November 2021
For a complete tourist map follow this link: Lankapradeepa Tourist Map

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