Athurugiriya Pore Ambalama

Athurugiriya Ambalama
Athurugiriya Ambalama, also known as Pore Ambalama (Sinhala: අතුරුගිරිය අම්බලම, පෝරේ අම්බලම) is an old wayside rest situated in Athurugiriya in Colombo District, Sri Lanka.

Ambalamas are traditional resting places built by locals to accommodate wayfarers who were travelling to distant places. They were also used as a place for people to gather, hold meetings and serve as a public place in society. During the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, Ambalamas were spread all over the country. The Ambalama at Athurugiriya, as inscribed on its stone pillars, was built in the Buddhist year 2455 (1911 A.D.).

The structure
The Athurugiriya Ambalama is a rectangular-shaped structure built of brick and mortar. The roof which is covered with calicut clay tiles (Rata Ulu) is held by 6 brick and 2 stone pillars. Connecting these pillars, a short wall goes around the structure with an opening for the entrance at the front. Adjoining this structure is a large stone well.

A protected monument
The wayside resting place, ancient well and the premises bounded on North by road; East by 10 feet; South by road; and West by 5 feet situated in Pore village belonging to the Grama Niladhari Division No. 489 in the Divisional Secretary’s Division Kaduwela is an archaeological protected monument, declared by the government Gazette notification published on 16 September 2023.

Athurugiriya Ambalama
Athurugiriya Ambalama (Photo credit: Google Street View)
1) Boralugoda, Sri Lanka - panoramio by tera-tera is licensed under CC BY 3.0

1) The Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka; Extraordinary. No: 2349/42. 16 September 2023. p.3A.

Location Map
This page was last updated on 3 December 2023

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