Kurulu Kele Bird Sanctuary

Kurulu Kele Bird Sanctuary (Sinhala: කුරුලු කැලේ අභයභූමිය) is a lowland wetzone forest situated in Kegalle District, Sri Lanka. Presently, it is administered by the Forest Department of Sri Lanka (Pemarathne et al., 2014).

The forest area was declared a sanctuary on 14 March 1941 due to its high bird and plant diversity (Pemarathne & Gunaratne, 2013). At the time, the forest had an extent of 109 ha., but due to various human impacts, it is now left with only 11.32 ha. [(10.4%) Pemarathne & Gunaratne, 2013; Pemarathne et al., 2014].

1) Pemarathne, S.K.S. and Gunaratne, A.M.T.A., 2013. Conservation Importance of Flora in the Kurulu Kele Sanctuary, Sri Lanka. In Proceedings of International Forestry and Environment Symposium (Vol. 18).
2) Pemarathne, S.K.S., Jayasuriya, K.M.G.G. and Gunaratne, A.M.T.A., 2014. Potential of Developing Ecotourism in Kurulu Kele Sanctuary, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Peradeniya Univ. International Research Sessions, Sri Lanka, Vol. 18. p.595.

Location Map
This page was last updated on 28 April 2022
For a complete tourist map follow this link: Lankapradeepa Tourist Map

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