Kimbulagala Rock Archaeological Site

Kimbulagala Archaeological Site consists of about 18 drip-ledged caves and out of which 13 caves contain Early Brahmi Inscriptions of Buddhist origin.
Kimbulagala Rock
Kimbulagala Rock (Photo credit: Daya Kathir, Google Street View)

Kimbulagala Rock Archaeological Site (Sinhala: කිඹුලාගල පුරාවිද්‍යා ස්ථානය) is situated on the wayside of the Mamaduwa-Mahakachchakodiya road in Nandimithra village near Erupotana and Periya-Puliyankulama in Vavunia District, Sri Lanka.


The site consists of about 18 drip-ledged caves on the top and slopes of the Kimbulagala rock and out of which 13 caves contain Early Brahmi Inscriptions belonging to the period between the 3rd century B.C. - 1st century A.D. These inscriptions record the donation of the caves to the community of Buddhist monks and the names of donors indicating that this site was an ancient Buddhist monastery since the early part of the Anuradhapura Period.

Period: 3rd century B.C.-1st century A.D.
Script: Early Brahmi
Language: Old Sinhala
Transcription: Gahapati-Veshali-puta mahashumanasha
Translation: Of Mahasumana, son of the householder Veshali.
Citation: Paranavitana, 1970. p.27.

The Museum

The Vanni Archaeological and Folk Museum and a large statue of Nandimithra, one of ten paladins of King Dutugemunu (161-137 B.C.) are established near the Kimbulagala rock.

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1) Paranavitana, S., 1970. Inscriptions of Ceylon: Volume I: Early Brahmi Inscriptions. Department of Archaeology Ceylon. pp.27-28.

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