Mi Oya River

Mi Oya is a stream in the North-Western Province. Flows for about 108 km, it is listed the fifteenth-longest river in the country.

Mi Oya or Mee Oya (Sinhala: මී ඔය) is a stream in the North-Western Province, Sri Lanka. Originates in the Galgamuwa-Maho area, it flows for 109 km before reaching the end at Puttalam (Arumugam, 1969; Vithanage, 1988).

River Basin

The Mi Oya river basin has a catchment area of about 1,516 km2 (Koswaththa et al., 2024). The river's main tributary is Nanneriya Oya which contributes about 40% of the total runoff (Madumali & Manamperi, 2020). The annual precipitation volume and sea discharge volume are 1000 mm and 412 million m3, respectively (Wanasinghe et al., 2023). The annual rainfall of the major rain season of the area reports about 1200 mm while in the minimum rain period about 840 mm (Madumali & Manamperi, 2020). Due to the intense weather conditions during the monsoon seasons, seasonal flooding severely affects the Mi Oya River basin annually (Wanasinghe et al., 2023).

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Books, Journal Articles

1) Arumugam, S., 1969. Water resources of Ceylon: its utilisation and development. Water Resources Board. pp.351-362.
2) 2) Koswaththa, H.M.S.A., Ranasinghe, S.K., Ekanayake, I., Herath, D. and Neluwala, N.G.P.B., 2024. Downscaling Future Precipitation over Mi Oya River Basin using Artificial Neural Networks. ENGINEER, 57(02), pp.57-67.
3) Madumali, G.V.H.M. and Manamperi, M.M.S.B., 2020. Impact of water scarcity on Agriculture in Mi Oya River Basin. Journal of Archaeology, Tourism & Anthropology, Department of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya, Volume I Issue II. pp.80-89.
4) Vithanage, P.W., 1988. Relief and Drainage. The National Atlas of Sri Lanka. Survey Department of Sri Lanka. ISBN: 9559059009. pp.22-23.
5) Wanasinghe, W.M.A.Y., Gamage, K.H., Neluwala, N.G.P.B. and Gimhan, P.G.S., 2023. Performance of Different Parameterization Configurations of WRF-ARW Model during Heavy Rainfall over Mi Oya River Basin. ENGINEER, 56(01), pp.31-41.

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