Walane Sri Siddhartha Thera

Ven Walane Sri Siddhartha Thera (1811-1867) was a Sri Lankan Buddhist monk and scholar.

Life events
He was born in March 1811 to a family living in Walane village in Panadura Totamuna (BJM, 1956).

Siddhartha Thera received higher ordination at Malwatta Viharaya from Nadimale Revata Thera, a pupil of Giddhaya Thera of Asgiriya Viharaya (BJM, 1956). He was trained under the tutorship of Sumangala Nayaka Thera of Galle who was at Pelmadulla Viharaya and his pupil Induruwe Sumangala Medhankara Nayaka Thera (BJM, 1956).

Siddhartha Thera soon became a versatile scholar and as his fame spread, students from many parts of the country came to study under him. In 1841, he established the Parama Dhamma Chethiya at Ratmalana and started a Pirivena for Buddhist monks by the same name (BJM, 1956). Several scholarly Buddhist monks such as Hikkaduwe Sri Sumangala Thera (1827-1911) and Ratmalane Dhammaloka Thera (1828-1887) received their education at this institution.

He passed away in 1867 at the age of 56 (BJM, 1956).

1) BJM, 1956. Buddha Jayanthi Memorials. Information Department. Government Press Ceylon. pp.29-30.

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This page was last updated on 1 February 2023

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