Galtemyaya Archaeological Site

Galtemyaya Archaeological Site
Galtemyaya (Sinhala: ගල්ටැම්යාය පුරාවිද්‍යා ස්ථානය) is an archaeological site in Thanjantenna village near Kaltota in Ratnapura District, Sri Lanka. The two Buddhist monasteries Kuragala and Budugala are located a few kilometers west and east of this site.

The site consists of a cluster of ruined structures that once belonged to a Buddhist monastery of the Pabbata Vihara style (Somadeva et al., 2014). The structures include a Stupa, stone pillars, Korawakgal, Sandakada Pahana and Yantra Gal surrounded by a rampart. The Stupa which is now restored is located at the western part of the complex. It has been constructed on a raised platform that can be entered through two staircases positioned in northwest and southwest directions. The basal diameter of the Stupa is 8 m (Somadeva et al., 2014). It is believed that these structures belong to the middle part of the Anuradhapura Period.

#) extends its gratitude to Lalith Kekulthotuwage for providing the necessary photographs required for this article. All the photos are published here with the permission of the author.

1) Somadeva, R., Vanninayaka, A., Devage, D., 2014. Kaltota Gaveshanaya, 2014. Adiyara 1 (In Sinhala). p.5.

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This page was last updated on 20 September 2023

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