Kiri Vehera (Lahugala)

Lahugala Kiri Vehera is an ancient Buddhist temple located in Lahugala village. According to locals, its history runs back to the time of King Dappula
Not to be confused with Kiri Vehera, Polonnaruwa & Kiri Vehera, Kataragama

Kiri Vehera, Lahugala

Lahugala Kiri Vehera, also known as Kirivehera Viharaya (Sinhala: ලාහුගල කිරි වෙහෙර), is an ancient Buddhist temple located in the village of Lahugala in Ampara District, Sri Lanka.


According to local beliefs, the history of this temple runs back to the reign of King Dappula I [(661-664 A.D.) Withanachchi, 2013]. A dilapidated StupaSiri Pathul Gal and the ruins of several ancient buildings and structures probably belonging to the Anuradhapura Period are found scattered around the temple premises (Medhananda, 2003).

A Protected Site

The ancient Chaithya (Stupa) and ruins of the Vihara complex in the territory of Kirivehera Viharaya, belonging to Lahugala village in Perani Lahugala PP 10 Grama Niladari Division in the Divisional Secretary’s Division, Lahugala are archaeological protected monuments, declared by a government gazette notifications published on 10 October 2014. 

A Siri Pathula, Kirivehera Lahugala The newly built image house


1) Medhananda, E., 2003. Pacheena passa - Uttara passa: Negenahira palata ha uturu palate Sinhala bauddha urumaya (In Sinhala). Dayawansa Jayakody & Company. Colombo. ISBN: 978-955-686-112-9. pp.140-143.
2) The Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. No: 1884. 10 October 2014. p.917.
3) Withanachchi, C. R., 2013. Pauranika Sthana Saha Smaraka: Ampara Distrikkaya (In Sinhala). Department of Archaeology (Sri Lanka). ISBN: 955-9159-44-5. p.25.

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This page was last updated on 30 March 2024

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