Inginimitiya Reservoir (Sinhala: ඉඟිණිමිටිය ජලාශය) is an irrigation reservoir located in North-Western Province, Sri Lanka. The reservoir is situated in the Galgamuwa electorate in the Kurunegala District and its irrigation command area is located in Anamaduwa and Nawagattegama electorates in the Puttalam District (Gnanadasa, 2010).
Inginimitiya irrigation system
Inginimitiya is a major irrigation project in the Mi Oya River basin carried out by the Irrigation Department with aid from the Japanese Government (Gnanadasa, 2010). It has been constructed on the site of a village tank which is believed to have existed for several centuries (IIMI).
The feasibility study for the Ingnimitiya project was carried out in 1977, by the Japan International Cooperation Agency [(JICA) IIMI]. In the next year, 1978, the loan agreement was signed between the Sri Lanka Government and the Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund of Japan (IIMI). The construction of the Inginimitiya dam and irrigation canal system was commenced in 1981 and substantially completed in 1985 (IIMI).
The reservoir was declared open on 25 March 1985, by the then-president of Sri Lanka, J. R. Jayawardena. However, since the commissioning of the Inginimitiya project in 1985, it was greatly troubled due to severe water shortage (IIMI).
Inginimitiya Dam
The reservoir has been created by making an earth-fill dam across the Mi Oya river. The dam is 2 miles 4690 ft long and 58 ft tall [(maximum height) Sivapatham, 1988]. Construction of the dam was started in 1981 (IIMI) and was completed in 1983 (Sivapatham, 1988).
- Reservoir data
Catchment area: 388 km3
Total reservoir capacity: 72.6x106 m3
Dead storage: 6.1x106 m3
Effective storage: 66.5x106 m3
Reservoir area at full supply level: 1913 hectares
Right bank sluice discharge: 95 ft3/s
Left bank sluice discharge: 120 ft3/s
Center sluice discharge : 5 ft3/s
- Spill data
Spill length: 53.34 m
Discharge capacity: 1685 m3/s
Number of radial gates: 6
Size of a gate: 7.62x7.01 m2
Full supply level: 61.87 m above M. S. L.
High flood level: 62.18 m above M. S. L.
Stilling basin level: 45.02 m above M. S. L.
End sill level: 49.16 m above M. S. L.
Hoist deck level: 67.06 m above M. S. L.
1) Gnanadasa, W.G., 2010. The importance of seasonal planning for irrigation water productivity: Inginimitiya experience. In Proceedings of the National Conference on Water, Food Security, and Climate Change in Sri Lanka, BMICH, Colombo, June 9-11, 2009. Volume 1. Irrigation for food security (Vol. 1, p. 75). IWMI.
2) IIMI (International Irrigation Management Institute), Irrigation Management Improvement Project: Final report. Vol. 1 Main report; Vol. 2 Annexes. IWMI. pp.D-4, E-1, F-Fi.
3) Sivapatham, T., 1988. Behavior of Inginimitiya Embankment Dam. International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering . 4.
2) IIMI (International Irrigation Management Institute), Irrigation Management Improvement Project: Final report. Vol. 1 Main report; Vol. 2 Annexes. IWMI. pp.D-4, E-1, F-Fi.
3) Sivapatham, T., 1988. Behavior of Inginimitiya Embankment Dam. International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering . 4.
Location Map
This page was last updated on 11 February 2023