Waduwawa Bambaragala Viharaya

Not to be confused with Kandy Bambaragala Viharaya

Waduwawa Bambaragala Viharaya
Bambaragala Raja Maha Viharaya (Sinhala: වඩුවාව බඹරගල විහාරය) is an ancient Buddhist temple situated in the village of Waduwawa in Kurunegala District, Sri Lanka.

The image house of the Bambaragala temple contains paintings belonging to the Kandyan tradition. However, the existence of drip-ledged caves suggests that this temple has its roots extending to a very early period, probably to the Anuradhapura Era.

A protected site
The cave temple with old paintings and the drip-ledged cave with an inscription in Waduwawa Bambaragala Purana Viharaya in the Divisional Secretary’s Division of Alawwa are archaeological protected monuments, declared by government gazette notifications published on 18 January 1974 and 8 July 2005.

The reclining Buddha, Waduwawa Bambaragala Viharaya The Stupa, Waduwawa Bambaragala Viharaya Old paintings, Waduwawa Bambaragala Viharaya The preaching hall, Waduwawa Bambaragala Viharaya A carved stone slab, Waduwawa Bambaragala Viharaya The Makara Thorana, Waduwawa Bambaragala Viharaya .
1) The Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka: No: 1401. 8 July 2005.
2) The government gazette notification: No: 95. 18 January 1974.

Location Map
This page was last updated on 14 January 2023

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