Hunas Ella Falls | Artificial Waterfall in Elkaduwa

Hunas Ella Falls

Hunas Ella Falls, also known as Hunnasgiriya Falls (Sinhala: හුනස් ඇල්ල), is a waterfall situated in the vicinity of Elkaduwa village, located in Matale District, Sri Lanka. This waterfall is considered unique as it is classified as an artificial waterfall, originating from a tank situated below the Hunas Tourist Hotel (Kautzsch, 1983).

The waters of the Hunas Ella Falls flow over a steep rock ledge about 60 m in height [(196.85 feet) Kautzsch, 1983]. This artificial cascade is fed by a tank, which in turn is supplied by a brook originating from the northern slope of Hunnasgiriya Mountain (Kautzsch, 1983). This brook flows as Maha Oya at Matale, eventually contributing to Sudu Ganga, a tributary of Amban Ganga which in turn, joins the Mahaweli Ganga River (Kautzsch, 1983).

The setting of the Hunas Ella Falls, with its picturesque surroundings makes it a distinctive attraction in the Matale District.


1) Kautzsch, E., 1983. A guide to the waterfalls of Sri Lanka: Tisara Prakasakayo. p.73.

Location Map

This page was last updated on 4 August 2023

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