Rathna Ella Falls | Beauty in Hasalaka

Rathna Ella Falls
Rathna Ella Falls (Sinhala: රත්න ඇල්ල) is a waterfall situated near Hasalaka in Kandy District, Sri Lanka. It is 111 m (364.17 ft.) in height and originates from Hasalaka Oya (or Wawelobe Oya), a tributary of the Mahaweli Ganga River (Vithanage, 1988). A distance view of the fall can be obtained from the Hunnasgiriya-Hasalaka road looking down into the Hasalaka Oya valley at the road gully 38/6 (Kautzsch, 1983).

The fall is surrounded by mountains covered with dark green forests hence making the cascade look like a sparkling gem. The name of the fall "Rathna" is derived from the Sinhala word "Rathnaya" which means the gem or jewel (Kautzsch, 1983). The waters of the fall plunge from the south slope of the Velangolapatana which flanks the steep break of the eastern part of the second peneplain at the border of the dry zone (Kautzsch, 1983).

The waters of the fall play a vital role in the lives of villagers by providing water for cultivation purposes.

Rathna Ella Falls Rathna Ella Falls
1) Home-45 by Sahan.kulathunge is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
2) Rathna Ella Falls by Arafathsl is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
3) Rathna Wasserfall (25882672666) by Eleleleven is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

1) Kautzsch, E., 1983. A guide to the waterfalls of Sri Lanka: Tisara Prakasakayo. pp.70-71.
2) Vithanage, P.W., 1988. Relief and Drainage. The National Atlas of Sri Lanka. Survey Department of Sri Lanka. ISBN: 9559059009. pp.22-23. 

Location Map
This page was last updated on 17 September 2023

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