Horagolla National Park

Horagolla National Park is a low country evergreen forest near Nittambuwa town. It is considered the smallest national park in the country.
Horagolla National Park

Horagolla National Park (Sinhala: හොරගොල්ල ජාතික උද්‍යානය) is a low country evergreen forest near Nittambuwa town in Gampaha District, Sri Lanka. Extending in an area of 13 ha., it is considered the smallest national park in the country.


The park was declared as a sanctuary considering the rich biodiversity prevalent in the area under the Fauna and Flora Protection Ordinance on 5 September 1973 (Pethiyagoda & Mahaulpatha, 2016). It was upgraded to the state of a national park on 24 June 2004 (Pethiyagoda & Mahaulpatha, 2016).


The forest receives rainfall from North-East monsoons from December to January and South-West monsoons from May to September (Pethiyagoda & Mahaulpatha, 2016). The mean annual temperature lies between 27.0 °C to 28.5 °C (Pethiyagoda & Mahaulpatha, 2016). The trees in abundance in this park include Hora, Kekuna, Godapara, Diyapara, Kithul Cane, Nandun, Etamba, Bo, Ruk, Ankenda, Milla, Munamal, Del and Velang.

See Also

#) Horagolla Ambalama


1) Pethiyagoda, P.D.R.S. and Mahaulpatha, W.A.D., 2016. Avian Fauna Abundance and Diversity in Horagolla National Park of Sri Lanka. WildLanka Vol.4, No.3. pp. 141-147.


1) Horagolla National Park (1)Horagolla National Park (2), Spider on Web, Snail on Tree and Horagolla National Park (3) by Explore Sri Lanka are licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

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This page was last updated on 12 May 2024

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