Maduru Oya River

Maduru Oya is a river that originates in Mahiyangana and flows through Badulla, Monaragala, Ampara, Polonnaruwa and Batticaloa districts, Sri Lanka.
Maduru Oya
Maduru Oya reservoir

Maduru Oya (Sinhala: මාදුරු ඔය; Tamil: மதுரு ஆறு) is a river in eastern Sri Lanka. It originates in Mahiyangana and flows through Badulla, Monaragala, Ampara, Polonnaruwa and Batticaloa districts (Kirupacaran, 2020). Having a length of approximately 135 km, Maduru Oya is the 8th longest river in the country (Ranasinghe et al., 2023; Vithanage, 1988). It joins the Indian Ocean at Kalkudah.

Historical Significance

The remains of an old sluice were discovered at the site in September 1982, during the preparatory work for the construction of the Maduru Oya Dam (Gunawardana, 1987).

The River Basin

Extending in an area of about 1,541 km2, the Maduru Oya river basin is located with the Mahaweli Ganga basin in the West, Gal Oya basin in the South, and Mundeni Aru and Miyangoda Ela basins in the East (Kirupacaran, 2020).

The Maduru Oya watershed begins on the western slopes of the Badulla District and stretches towards the eastern coast of the Batticaloa District (Ranasinghe et al., 2023). The Maduru Oya Reservoir, river, and Maduru Oya National Park are the major components of the watershed (Ranasinghe et al., 2023). The Middle Maduru Oya, Kuda Oya, Upper Maduru Oya, Upper Middle Maduru Oya, Perillaveli Aru, Lower Maduru Oya are several sub watersheds of the river (Ranasinghe et al., 2023).

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Books, Government Gazette Notifications, Journal Articles

1) Gunawardana, R.A.L., 1987. The Ancient sluice at the Maduru Oya Reservoir: Experimentation in Sri Lankan Traditions of Hydraulic Engineering. pp.1-20.
2) Kirupacaran, S., 2020. Analysis of precipitation trend and streamflow sensitivity to precipitation in Maduru oya river basin with HEC-HMS model simulations (Doctoral dissertation). p.28.
3) Ranasinghe, R.D.U.A., Dayawansa, N.D.K. and De Silva, R.P., 2023. Rainfall and Streamflow Trends in the Upper Maduru Oya Sub-watershed in Sri Lanka: A Comparative Study Using Different Statistical Methods. Tropical Agricultural Research, 34(2). pp.107-125.
4) Vithanage, P.W., 1988. Relief and Drainage. The National Atlas of Sri Lanka. Survey Department of Sri Lanka. ISBN: 9559059009. pp.22-23
5) Withanage, N.S., Dayawansa, D.K., De Silva, R.P. and Rathnayake, C.W., ?. Assessment of morphological characteristics of Maduru Oya river basin of Sri Lanka using GIS.

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