ITC Colombo One

ITC One Colombo
The ITC Colombo One is an ongoing mixed-use development project comprising two skyscrapers connected by a sky bridge situated by Galle Face Green and Beira Lake in Colombo City, Sri Lanka. It is the first project in Sri Lanka by WelcomHotels Lanka Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of ITC Ltd., India. 

The estimated cost of the total project is around $300-400 million. It includes a 49-storey residential tower (224 m) and a 28-storey hotel tower (139-m), connected by a 54 m long sky bridge sitting on the 19th and 20th levels (100 m above the ground). The bridge has an exterior pool deck on its upper level and a lounge/dining area on the lower level. 

A four-storey podium surrounds the towers, providing space for the lobby, retail, office, and special events while four basement levels are dedicated for parking, MEP and back-of-the-house functions.

Location Map
This page was last updated on 3 July 2023

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