Kiralagala Archaeological Site

Kiralagala Archaeological Site
Kiralagala Archaeological Site (Sinhala: කිරලගල පුරාවිද්‍යා ස්ථානය) is a ruined Buddhist monastery situated on the wayside of Medawachchiya-Horowpathana road, about 6.8 km distance from Horowpothana town. The site is known in ancient times as Veherabendigala (IEE, 2019).

The monastery complex consists of the ruins of an ancient forest monastery belonging to the early Anuradhapura Period (IEE, 2019). The ruins include a large artificial pond, a Stupa, a Bodhigarara, image houses, a Janthaghara, monk residencies, meditation paths and other buildings (IEE, 2019). Also, a rock inscription belonging to the 2nd century A.D. has been discovered at this site (Nicholas, 1963). The inscription which consists of 8 lines of writings records a catalogue of fields in which a Karisa each belonged to the ancient monastery at the site, of which the name is not given (Muller, 1883; Nicholas, 1963; Paranavitana, 2001).

Presently, the ruins of the monastery complex cover an area of about 12 acres (IEE, 2019).

See also

1) IEE, 2019. Initial Environmental Examination. Rehabilitation and Improvement of road section from 10km to 37.8km of Medawachchiya - Horowpathana (B282) Road. Environmental and Social Development Division, Road Development Authority, Ministry of Highways and Road Development. p.31.
2) Muller, E., 1883. Ancient Inscriptions in Ceylon. London. pp.40,76.
3) Nicholas, C. W., 1963. Historical topography of ancient and medieval Ceylon. Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, New Series (Vol VI). Special Number: Colombo. Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch). p.155.
4) Paranavitana, S., 2001 (Edited by Dias, M.). Inscriptions of Ceylon: Vol. II. Part II. Archaeological Survey Department, Sri Lanka. pp.238-239.

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This page was last updated on 8 June 2023

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