Uduwawala Purana Viharaya

Uduwawala Purana Viharaya is a Buddhist temple with a history dating back to the Kandyan Period. It was built during the time of King Rajasinha.
Uduwawala Viharaya
Uduwawala Purana Viharaya

Uduwawala Purana Viharaya (Sinhala: කටුගස්තොට උඩුවාවල පුරාණ රජමහා විහාරය) is a Buddhist temple situated in Uduwawala village near Katugastota in Kandy District, Sri Lanka.


The history of this temple site dates back to the Kandyan Period. It is believed to have been built during the time of King Rajasinha (Lawrie, 1896). According to tradition, the king built the temple, giving it a large image, a Karanduwa (casket), and several lands (Lawrie, 1896). A Talpot (an ola-leaf) dated in Saka year 1623 (1701 A.D.) reveals a deed of gift to the relic at this temple by Mirassekumbura (Lawrie, 1896).

In his book published in 1896, Lawrie mentions that Uduwawala Viharaya was a temple that depended on Huduhumpola Viharaya (Lawrie, 1896).

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A Protected Site

The old image house and dwelling house of Uduwawala Purana Vihara situated in Uduwawala West in the Divisional Secretary’s Division of Harispattuwa are archaeological protected monuments, declared by two government gazette notifications published on 1 November 1996 and 22 November 2002.

Uduwawala Viharaya Uduwawala Viharaya

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Books, Government Gazette Notifications

1) Lawrie, A.C., 1896. A Gazetteer of the Central Province of Ceylon (excluding Walapane) (Vol. 2). GJA Skeen, Government Printer, Ceylon. p.864.
2) The Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. No: 948. 1 November 1996.
3) The Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. No: 1264. 22 November 2002.

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