Shrine of Our Lady of Madhu (Mannar)

Shrine of Our Lady of Madhu T he Shrine of Our Lady of Madhu (Sinhala: මඩු දේවස්ථානය; Tamil: மடு மரியாள் ஆலயம்) is a Roman Catho…

Abhayagiriya Alms-Hall

Abhayagiriya Main Alms-Hall or The Main Refectory of Abhayagiriya (Sinhala: අභයගිරිය ප්‍රධාන දාන ශාලාව, බත් ගේ) is a ruined building located in t…

Saint Stephen's Church (Negombo)

Saint Stephen's Church, Negombo S t. Stephen's Church (Sinhala: ශාන්ත ස්ටෙෆාන් දේවස්ථානය) is an Anglican church situa…

Anuradhapura Stone Seat Inscription (Colombo National Museum)

A stone seat carved in the shape of a lotus flower with its stalk (a flower altar) is currently preserved in Colombo National Museum , Sri Lanka. It…

Sri Lanka Iron Ore Deposits

The high-grade basement of Sri Lanka is composed of several iron ore deposits (Cooray, 1984) (Sinhala: ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ යකඩ නිධි) . These can be groupe…

Abhayagiriya Pillar Inscription of Kassapa IV

Abhayagiriya Pillar Inscription of King Kassapa IV (Sinhala: සිව්වන කාශ්‍යප රජුගේ අභයගිරිය ටැම් ලිපිය) is presently on the display at the Inscript…

Nallur Kandaswamy Temple

Nallur Kandaswamy Temple (Tamil: நல்லூர் கந்தசுவாமி கோவில்; Sinhala: නල්ලූර් කන්දසාමි කෝවිල, ස්කන්ධ කුමාර කෝවිල) is a Hindu Kovil situated in N…

Welmilla Slab Inscription of Sena III

A slab inscription popularly known as Welmilla Slab Inscription of King Sena III (Sinhala: තුන්වන සේන රජුගේ වැල්මිල්ල පුවරු ලිපිය) is presently o…

Ekgaloya Reservoir and Archaeological Ruins

Ekgaloya Reservoir E kgaloya Tank (or Ekgal Oya Wewa , Sinhala: එක්ගල්ඔය ජලාශය හා පුරාවිද්‍යා නටඹුන්) is a reservoir in Ampara D…

Molligoda Copper Plate Charter

Molligoda Copper Plate Charter (Sinhala: මොල්ලිගොඩ තඹ ප්‍රධානය) is a copper plate grant issued by the last king of Sri Lanka, Sri Vikrama Rajasi…

Negombo Fort

Negombo Fort (Sinhala: මීගමුව බලකොටුව; Tamil: நீர்கொழும்புக் கோட்டை) is an old fort situated in Negombo in Gampaha District, Sri Lanka. History…

Batticaloa Fort

Batticaloa Fort B atticaloa Fort (Sinhala: මඩකලපුව බලකොටුව; Tamil: மட்டக்களப்புக் கோட்டை) is an old fort situated in Batticaloa,…

Pothgul Vihara Statue (Polonnaruwa)

A colossal stone statue called as Pothgul Vihara Statue , also known as the Statue of Parakramabahu I , the Statue of Pulasti (Sinhala: පොත්ගුල් ව…

Asokaramaya (Pankuliya)

Asokaramaya , also referred to as Pankuliya Archaeological Site (Sinhala: පන්කුලිය අසෝකාරාමය), is a ruined Buddhist monastery situated in Anuradh…

Medirigiriya Vatadage

Medirigiriya (Sinhala: මැදිරිගිරිය වටදාගේ සහ පුරාවිද්‍යා නටඹුන්) is a ruined Buddhist monastery located in Medirigiriya village in Polonnaruwa Dis…

Vijayarama Monastery (Anuradhapura)

Vijayarama (Sinhala: විජයාරාම නටඹුන්) is a ruined Buddhist monastery site situated in Anuradhapura District, Sri Lanka. History Vijayarama is co…

Abhaya Wewa Pillar Inscription of Lilavati

A pillar containing an inscription of Queen Lilavati of the Polonnaruwa Kingdom is presently on the display at the Stone Gallery of Colombo National…

Kongollava Pillar Inscription of Sena II

A stone pillar containing an inscription of King Sena II of the Anuradhapura Kingdom (Sinhala: දෙවන සේන රජුගේ කොංගොල්ලෑව ටැම් ලිපිය) is presen…
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