Sigiriya Museum

Established in 2009, Sigiriya museum is administered by the Central Cultural Fund. It preserves a great collection of items discovered from Sigiriya.
Sigiriya Museum
The Sigiriya Museum (Sinhala: සීගිරිය කෞතුකාගාරය), Sri Lanka is one of the Museums Administered by the Central Cultural Fund. It has been established alongside the main pathway near the outer moat of the ancient Rock Fortress of Sigiriya.

The museum was established in August 2009 with the support of the Japanese government (Kodithuwakku & Katupotha, 2014; Rambukwella, 2014).

The museum preserves a valuable collection of items discovered from Sigiriya and its surrounding area including Rama Kele. Artefacts such as human skeletons, clay objects, tools, jewellery, iron and bronze objects, sculptures and carvings are exhibited in two galleries, the lower floor and the upper floor (Kodithuwakku & Katupotha, 2014).  The lower gallery displays objects under six sub-themes according to twelve thematic and chronological divisions while the upper gallery displays a replica of the fresco pocket of the Sigiriya fortress (Rambukwella, 2014). The entrance to the museum is through a brick tunnel that is designed in the same way as the archway of the Water Garden of the fortress (Kodithuwakku & Katupotha, 2014).

See also

1) Kodithuwakku, K. and Katupotha, J., 2014. Sigiriya Museum: a visual narration of a tangible heritage of Sri Lanka. The Future Museum: An Asian Perspective, Ed. AnuraManatunga, Centre for Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 119, p.124.
2) Rambukwella, M.W.C.N.K., 2014. Heritage representation in culturally diverse societies: a case study of the Colombo National Museum in Sri Lanka (Doctoral dissertation, School of Museum Studies). pp.420-421.

Location Map
This page was last updated on 3 May 2023

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