Malayadi Wewa

Malayadi Wewa is a reservoir situated in Ampara District. It is a new work constructed in the period of 1959-1961 by the Gal Oya Development Board.
Malayadi Wewa
Malayadi Wewa

Malayadi Wewa (or Malayadi Tank, Sinhala: මලයාඩි වැව) is a reservoir situated in Damana village near Hingurana in Ampara District, Sri Lanka. It is surrounded by Alahena Tank to the west, Ambalan Oya Tank to the south and Eragama Tank to the northeast. The ancient Uttara Jayamaha Viharaya is located about 1.5 km north of this tank.


The tank is a new work constructed between 1959-1961 by the Gal Oya Development Board under the Gal Oya Multipurpose Scheme (Arumugam, 1969)


Malayadi Wewa is one of the reservoirs located in the Gal Oya River Basin. In the late 1960s, the bund of the reservoir was about 1 mile long and the water was extending in an area of about 580 acres at its full supply level (Arumugam, 1969). Storage capacity was 7,300 ac. ft. (Arumugam, 1969). The present tank has one spill and no sluice provided (Arumugam, 1969). The lands below the tank bund and above the Hingurana Sugar Factory are supplied from the R.B. main channel (Arumugam, 1969).

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1) Arumugam, S., 1969. Water resources of Ceylon: its utilisation and development. Water Resources Board. p.177.

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