Arthur's Seat (Kandy)

Arthur's Seat
Arthur's Seat (Sinhala: ආතර් සීට් නැරඹුම් ස්ථානය) is a high observation deck situated at Rajapihilla Mawatha in Kandy District, Sri Lanka. Belongs to Kandy Municipal Council, the site is located at the 0.650 km chainage on the left side when moving along the road from West Point and it consists of a steep slope about 30° angle towards Nuwara Wewa.

Generally, the main hilltop of a mountain range from which a vast geographical area can be seen is named Arthur's Seat. The Arthur's Seat viewing point in Kandy is said to have been identified during the British Period (1815-1948). Folklore reveals that there was a bungalow owned by a planter named Arthur just above the place where the present observation deck is situated and he used to view Kandy City by standing on a stone seat under a tree situated in front of his bungalow. This bungalow is today a private residence and the place where Arthur had used to view the city is the present viewing point.

The viewing point is situated at an elevation of 574 m (1883.2 ft.) above mean sea level in the direction of the Temple of Tooth Relic from the north, Hillwood Girls College from the east and 200 meters along the Rajapihilla Mawatha from the Wales Park junction to lake round road at the Ampitiya junction. The deck consists of a few small souvenir shops, a cement-paved area and a parking bay. It offers a panoramic view of the surrounding area including Nuwara Wewa, the Temple of the Tooth Relic, the Royal Palace and the city centre.

Arthur's Seat .
See also

2) Arthur's Seat, Kandy by AntanO is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

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This page was last updated on 10 September 2023

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